

Jump in the pool for this heart pumping cardio workout!


Yoga Flow

Power yoga with focus on transitions and movements slowing down your transitions with deep inhales and slow exhalations.


Senior Fit

Get moving in this class designed to increase strength, range of movement and keep active for active older adults.


Vinyasa Yoga

Helps build overall strength and flexibility .Vinyasa yoga is a creative form of yoga where poses are linked together with the breath in a flowing sequence.



A mix of traditional callisthenic and body weight exercises with interval training and strength training



A fun, heart-pumping workout by a certified instructor motivated by great music. This class is choreographed ride incorporating various speeds and resistance levels. Cycle is a highly effective way to build cardiovascular strength and endurance. Designed for all ages and levels of fitness.


Yoga Stretch

This beginners yoga class is great for people who are just starting out with yoga, seniors, or anyone who is looking for a gentle stretch class. It moves through a series of poses that stretch the body.


Gentle Flow Yoga

Geared specifically for those new to yoga or those who are interested in a gentle practice. This class incorporates simple flowing sequences to warm up the body, as well as slower paced movements


Yin Yoga

A slow-moving, grounded practice where practitioners hold each posture for around 3-5 minutes.

Vinyasa Yoga

Helps build overall strength and flexibility .Vinyasa yoga is a creative form of yoga where poses are linked together with the breath in a flowing sequence.